To prepare for your weekend in Carcassonne, here is a free map of Carcassonne to download for free, and to print.
Free map of Carcassonne to download
Free map of the medieval city of Carcassonne to download
- Free downloadable PDF map of the medieval city of Carcassonne (best quality)
- Plan of the medieval city of Carcassone to download in JPG format
Carcassonne Brochure
To take your visit further, the book on Carcassonne (63 pages). As the guarantor of peace between France and Aragon, the city perfectly fulfilled its role as a deterrent and impregnable stronghold. Its double wall enclosure, the château comtal, the Saint-Nazaire basilica and the streets of the bastide Saint-Louis will immerse you in the functional beauty of the military works of this period.