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How can I get a refund for my Imagine R (Navigo) pass in Paris?

Paris métro
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It’s possible to have your children’s metro fares reimbursed in Paris. Provided you live in Paris. Here’s how…

Reimbursement for Imagine R and Velib passes

From the start of the 2020-2021 school year, all children and teenagers under the age of 18 will benefit from totally free public transport in Paris, via a full refund of their Imagine R pass (Imagine R Junior, Scolaire or Etudiant pass).

This measure takes the form of a reimbursement of the pass/subscription purchased for the school year. The refund is full (the entire amount paid is reimbursed) and paid in a single instalment.

According to city council estimates, the introduction of these free travel measures will cost the municipality 27.6 million euros per year.

Reimbursement of the pass imagine R Junior (4-11 years)

For young Parisians in primary school, aged 4 to 11, with a Navigo imagine R Junior pass.

Reimbursement: €24 per child

Reimbursement of the imagine R Scolaire pass (middle school & high school)

For young Parisians residing in Paris, in middle or high school (up to bac), with a Navigo imagine R Scolaire pass.

Reimbursement: €373 per secondary school student

Reimbursement of the imagine R Student pass (AEEH students)

For Parisian students residing in Paris, receiving AEEH (post-bac studies), with a Navigo imagine R Edutiant pass.

Reimbursement: €373 per student

Reimbursement of Vélib’ subscription (14-18 years)

For Parisians aged 14 to 18 with a Navigo, V-Plus jeune pass.

Reimbursement: €27.60 per child

How to get reimbursed

Step 1: Buy (or renew) the pass on the Ile de France Mobilité website

First step: buy or renew your children’s Imagine R Junior, Scolaire or Etudiant passes:

Passes can be purchased from mid-July.

Step 2: Use your Imagine R pass at least once

In order to ensure that data relating to subscriptions taken out can be communicated to the City of Paris by the operators, a minimum period of 15 days after the first use of the Imagine R Navigo Pass or Vélib’ subscription must be respected before making the request for reimbursement online. If the request is made before this deadline, it will not be processed due to a lack of available data.

Step 3: Claiming a refund on the Paris City Hall website

Refunds can be requested from the beginning of September to June 30 inclusive.

The request is registered after validation of the summary and receipt of the file number. The procedure is to be carried out exclusively via the online form (no possibility by post or at a counter).

The online reimbursement form must correspond to the subscription purchased. Please make sure you use the correct form.

You will be reimbursed approximately 2 months after your request.

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