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Addresses of wholesale and private kitchen stores in Etienne Marcel (Paris)

Cooking bread

It’s possible to buy professional utensils and ingredients, even if you are a private person, and for less than at Carrefour. Here are the addresses to know in Paris (metro Etienne Marcel).

Addresses of wholesale and private kitchen stores


Specialist of kitchen utensils: more than 5000 references in kitchen, pastry, bakery…

13, rue Montmartre
75011 Paris
Tel : 01 45 08 19 24

A. Simon

Lots of quality products, but a deplorable reception according to all the Google comments. Better to know what you are looking for.

48 Rue Montmartre
75002 Paris
Phone : 01 42 33 71 65

La Bovida

A chain specializing in kitchen utensils and equipment, with tableware and delicatessen items. But more expensive than other stores in the area.

36 Rue Montmartre
75001 Paris
01 42 36 09 99

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