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Where to find the Restos du Coeur distribution centers


Les Restos du Coeur is a charity founded by Coluche in 1985. This association is based on a simple but dramatic observation: too many people do not manage to feed themselves properly.

The Restos du Coeur

The food aid allows an emergency help but represents above all the privileged point of contact to allow an accompaniment towards the autonomy.

The relationship of trust established during the reception and the commitment of the volunteers to help them allows them to propose the paths to social reintegration: workshops and integration gardens, emergency accommodation beds, trucks and hot meal points, Restos Bébés du Coeur, vacation departures, school support workshops and the fight against illiteracy, introduction to computers, budgetary advice, access to justice and rights, support in finding employment (SRE) and personal microcredit…

Where to find the Restos du Coeur distribution centers

Find the reception center closest to you on this page:

Resources of the Restos du Coeur

The resources of the Restos are diversified. They are essentially based on a triptych: the generosity of the public, which provides almost half of the association’s financial income (47% of the total), subsidies (33%), and Enfoirés products (7%). In addition, there are corporate sponsorships or partnerships and other private funds, financial and exceptional income and miscellaneous income.

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