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Paris: robbery on place du Trocadero / Eiffel Tower

Place du Trocadero

Every night, or almost every night, delinquents – mostly foreign unaccompanied minors – rob tourists who have come to admire the Eiffel Tower.

Place du Trocadero / Eiffel Tower: the place to avoid in Paris

Snatchings and robberies with violence

“The Trocadero has become a focal point of delinquency. It’s a bit like the new Barbès. There are a lot of snatchings and robberies with violence,” explains Matthieu Valet, spokesman for the independent union of police commissioners (SICP).

For several months now, onlookers who have come to admire the Eiffel Tower – tourists in particular – have been robbed by thugs often armed with knives or broken bottles.

Telephone, watch, chain, bracelet… watch out

These offenders are on the lookout for the slightest opportunity: telephone, watch, chain, bracelet…. The overwhelming majority of defendants are unaccompanied minors or undocumented young adults, often claiming to be minors, from the Maghreb.

Unaccompanied minors represent about 20% of the total number of people held in police custody in the 16th arrondissement and 75% of the total number of minors referred to the police in the capital.

Source: read more on Le Figaro

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