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Free GPS on phone, which works without Internet connection


In the car on the road in Italy or in the traffic jam in Paris. In your pocket on vacation in New York or London… A free GPS without internet connection will make your life easier on your iPod / iPad, or save you money on your iPhone…

Free GPS, without Internet connection

The secret lies in downloading maps when you are connected to wifi. As a result, no more downloading maps over the air with your 3G or 4G subscription. All your maps are available offline.

Very practical also in the forest or in the mountains when you don’t get any network.

On the Apple side, an iPod or an iPad is enough, but it also works on iPhone. Same thing for Android, several apps are available. You just need to activate the geolocation.

Maps With Me

The free version of Maps With Me allows you to do everything except keyword searches (the price of the paid version is 5 euros).


OpenStreetMap (OSM) Automated Navigation Directions is an open source mapping and navigation application that allows you to use both online and offline services. App well suited for hiking.


Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps is the world’s most advanced navigation application for use in your vehicle.

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