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10 things to see in Verdun about the 14-18 war

Verdun necropole Douaumont in Winter covered with snow
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The Battle of Verdun took place from February 21 to December 19, 1916 and claimed 700,000 victims, both French and German, including 300,000 dead.

Here are the things to do if you have the opportunity to spend 2 or 3 days around Verdun.

10 things to see in Verdun

10 things to do in Verdun, by priority (10 being the lowest priority).

1. Douaumont Ossuary

Located in the middle of the forest, the Douaumont National Necropolis is a high place of remembrance of the Battle of Verdun where the remains of 130,000 unknown soldiers lie. And the impressive 16,142 graves lined up are nothing compared to the thousands of bones visible through the skylights in the common graves of the ossuary.

Douaumont Ossuary

2. Douaumont Fort

Douaumont Fort is the most powerful work in the stronghold of Verdun. This fort is one of the best preserved, although some galleries are no longer visited. You can also visit the smaller Vaux fort, a few kilometers away.

Douaumont Fort

3. Froideterre Work

The Froideterre work is a fortification to see. The work cannot be visited, although it is possible to go inside (at your own risk).

Work of Froideterre

4. Path in the forest around the Fort of Souville

The trails take you into the forest and allow you to walk along forts, casemates, trenches scattered throughout this magnificent route.

Fort de Souville

5. La Falouse Work

This fort has been completely “refurbished” and refurnished, as well as the trench that surrounds the fort, as it was in 1916 (about 5 euros the entrance, free for children).

Work of the falouse

6. Kronprinz Shelters

The Kronprinz shelters were built during the first months of the war, as soon as the front stabilized once the war of movement was over. A mini ghost town where the forest has taken over.

Kronprinz Shelter

7. Underground galleries of Vauquois

The Vauquois mound is a gigantic termite mound: 17 km of galleries underground, 184 rooms constituting the German barracks on several levels. To do.

Butte Vauquois

8. Kaiser tunnel

These underground galleries in the middle of the forest are maintained by an association of volunteers. Ask about the days of visits. 100% authentic visit.

Kaiser tunnel

9. Verdun high citadel

Only on certain occasions (heritage day). Here no mass visits. Totally preserved site.

Verdun high citadel

10. Verdun Memorial

The new tour unfolds on three levels along a discovery path. From the entrance, visitors are invited to situate the Battle of Verdun in time and history, and then to put their steps in those of a soldier who leaves for the front lines.

Verdun Memorial

Other things to see, but less interesting

11. Lower Citadel of Verdun

Expensive for a 30 minute tour that dates back to 1990. Wait for the renovation in June 2019 to go there.

Lower Citadel of Verdun

12. Shelter of the 4 Chimneys

L’abri des 4 Cheminées est l’un des 3 abris de troupe qui existent dans le secteur de Verdun.

Abri des 4 cheminées

13. Bayonet Trench

Bayonets have been repeatedly stolen, replaced, and revolted, so that there are none left.

Tranchée des baïonnettes


It is very dangerous to visit forts that are not open to the public, because of the risk of landslides, and especially because of the wells that were used to bring up ammunition, but also to access the tanks and the numerous networks of underground tunnels connecting the casemates around the forts.

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